- torch.linalg.householder_product(A, tau, *, out=None) Tensor ¶
計算 Householder 矩陣乘積的前 n 行。
Let be or , and let be a matrix with columns for with . Denote by the vector resulting from zeroing out the first components of and setting to 1 the -th. For a vector with , this function computes the first columns of the matrix
where is the m-dimensional identity matrix and is the conjugate transpose when is complex, and the transpose when is real-valued. The output matrix is the same size as the input matrix
.See Representation of Orthogonal or Unitary Matrices for further details.
支援 float、double、cfloat 和 cdouble dtypes 的輸入。也支援矩陣批次,如果輸入是矩陣批次,則輸出也具有相同的批次維度。
can be used together with this function to form the Q from theqr()
is a related function that computes the matrix multiplication of a product of Householder matrices with another matrix. However, that function is not supported by autograd.警告
只有在 . If this condition is not met, no error will be thrown, but the gradient produced may contain NaN.
- 參數
- 關鍵字參數
out (Tensor, optional) – 輸出張量。如果為 None 則忽略。預設值:None。
- 引發
RuntimeError – 如果 A 不滿足 m >= n 的要求,或 tau 不滿足 n >= k 的要求。
>>> A = torch.randn(2, 2) >>> h, tau = torch.geqrf(A) >>> Q = torch.linalg.householder_product(h, tau) >>> torch.dist(Q, torch.linalg.qr(A).Q) tensor(0.) >>> h = torch.randn(3, 2, 2, dtype=torch.complex128) >>> tau = torch.randn(3, 1, dtype=torch.complex128) >>> Q = torch.linalg.householder_product(h, tau) >>> Q tensor([[[ 1.8034+0.4184j, 0.2588-1.0174j], [-0.6853+0.7953j, 2.0790+0.5620j]], [[ 1.4581+1.6989j, -1.5360+0.1193j], [ 1.3877-0.6691j, 1.3512+1.3024j]], [[ 1.4766+0.5783j, 0.0361+0.6587j], [ 0.6396+0.1612j, 1.3693+0.4481j]]], dtype=torch.complex128)